The National Health and Physical Education Committee was formed to help uphold one of our original values, “Sound Mind Sound Body”. The NHPE Committee meets annually to group teams and plan athletic events across the United States. Our largest event, National Festival, is held every four (4) years, and is compared to “Olympics” style events. It is organized by our NHPE Committee and volunteers. Along with National Festival, NHPE organizes and oversees most of our athletic event throughout the year. This may include, but not limited to gymnastics, softball, golf, volleyball, pickleball and so much more!
Coming up in 2024!
National Jr. Bowling Tournament!-Bowl Local and submit scores against other Turners Juniors! Bowl any time between Feb 15-Mar 15!! Renew your Youth Memberships TODAY!
National Bowling Tournament ~ Louisville Turners ~ Choose one of 2 weekends April 6-7 or April 13-14 and compete in this fun tournament with other Turners Friends!
National Golf Tournament ~ Fort Wayne ~ July 10-12
National Softball Tournament-Aurora-Date TBD in June or July.
2023 National Festival was a great success in New Ulm! Click below for results and pictures!